Najia Iftikhar
5 min readMay 1, 2022

Myth- A Traditional Talk:

Myth is a traditional talk or traditional story. It can be related to culture or it can be related to environment or food. Myths are created by people. In Pakistan, people usually follow or believe those myths which are created by their ancestors or historians. The myth which we are going to highlight in this article is a cultural myth that says “wearing a black at the wedding either a bride or relatives brings out a bad omen or bad luck”

Black-A Symbol of Bad Luck:

Black has always been considered a symbol of bad luck either it’s a black cat or it’s a black dress. In the society in which we live brides are not allowed to wear a black dress at their weddings not only brides are not allowed to wear it but the bride’s relatives and the bridesmaids are also not allowed to wear black.

When we are going to a wedding and look back to our wardrobe to choose any dress, it usually happens we don’t find any dress to wear all we think is to wear a black dress when we can’t think of anything else to wear, again when it comes to weddings sometimes that pretty black dress can bring about many questions than it answers

“~I remember my mother and my grandmother have never allowed me to wear a black dress to a wedding and because of this, I don’t attend weddings. Recently a wedding came in our family and I asked my grandmother to drive together with me to the market I want to buy a black dress. She said I will not go with you to the market unless you will buy a black dress, I asked her why? and she said don’t you know that a black dress brings a bad omen. And I was shocked I replied, “grandmother you also think the same”

I barely have a completely black dress in my wardrobe. Wearing a black dress at weddings in some societies is not considered a welcoming dress in some countries like Africa, the Middle East, and most the Asian countries including Pakistan and India consider the black dress code color is linked to death and darkness

Other than this people in Pakistan have a staunch belief that black color should not be worn at weddings, receptions, wedding parties, etc. it is also believed that a newlywed bride should also not wear black color. The fact is that people nowadays living in the 21st century also have a staunch belief in this myth. We have seen in many dramas that “if any girl wears a black dress at a wedding the bride’s husband dies or a very close relative dies. This thing indicates that the black color depicts death and darkness

I think this is the fact that many brides in Europe usually choose white to wear at the wedding because it signifies purity. There is a very famous quote that tells us about wedding colors. It states that:

“Married in white, you will have chosen all right.

Married in grey, you will go far away

Married in black, you will wish yourself back

Married In blue you will always be true

Married in pearl, you’ll live in a whirl.

Married in yellow, ashamed of the fellow.

Married in pink, your spirit will always sink”

Wearing Black to Wedding Is, Okay?

By looking back today we should understand the fact that wearing BLACK to a wedding is completely fine it’s completely Ok. We are living in the 21st century. Our elders need to understand that black is just a color it’s not an emotion. Neither it will kill somebody nor it will bring bad luck to anyone.

Bridesmaids should freely wear black color. If they are not allowed to wear or they are restricted then it doesn’t mean that they should stop wearing black color or don’t completely wear black color. They can either contrast their dress with like wear matching stylish black heels or do black Smokey eye makeup. The reason for contrasting their dress is they should not hurt the sentiments of their aunts and elders in the wedding because if one bridesmaid wears black, the whole family just stares at that one person. Christian Dior a very famous brand says that:

“~You can wear black at any time. You can wear it at any age. You may wear it for almost any occasion.”- Christian Dior

Neiman Marcus once said:

“~Women who wear black live colorful lives.” — Neiman Marcus

Black — Considered as A Taboo for A Wedding (JUSTIFIED):

Attending a wedding as a guest is a customs problem and one of the toughest decisions to make is what to wear? You might not have the budget to buy a good dress and then you end up selecting black attire. Our historians and ancestors do not allow us to wear a black dress for the wedding they considered black to be taboo for weddings.

According to western culture, black is considered the color of mourning. But in recent years, things have changed. Brides and relatives dress up according to fashion trends. Cocktail dresses are now widely in. people contrast black with something, today you will see bridesmaids or even brides in a chic black gown

Wednesday Addams once quoted that:

“~I will stop wearing black when they invent a darker color”-Wednesday Addams

But sometimes we need to be careful about our cultural weddings. we need to respect the norms for example

“~In Europe, weddings usually take place in Church they don’t wear black because it is considered as a color of mourning in church similarly in Hindu culture it depicts death and darkness”

Psychological Effects of a Black Color:

Colors always play an important role in life. It is directly associated with many positive and negative events. Keeping in view our culture and society norms, some girls prefer to wear black color because they think black color generates more curiosity and attractiveness in front of other people

According to ancient people, they believe black color is a sign of illusion and darkness it creates some unexpected events in one’s life, for example, the connection between black and negativity is probably and categorically have seen in our language, just consider some expressions including Black Friday, Black Magic, Blackmail, Blackout

As per psychology, black is also considered a sign of criminals who executes with negative consequences

Traditional Customs:

By accepting this fact now every country and culture has its own culture and traditions taking the example of China

“Chinese New Year is an event which is celebrated in China every year on this day black color is strictly prohibited no one is allowed to wear black as it depicts death. If one wears black, they say that the person will die that year.”


By summing up the whole, I would like to conclude that Black is just a color it is not at all associated with our emotions, and nobody dies. Neither it brings bad luck nor it brings a bad omen. We can wear black anywhere we want on any occasion either at a wedding or at a funeral or any event. Usually, at weddings, I think what matters is what makes the bride and groom happy it’s their own, personal special day. There will always be someone who disagrees with an unusual choice, but it’s not their day or place to put a damper on a couple’s happiness. While it can be fun to follow the myths, considering how many there are, and how many of them are conflicting.

“Black is not sad. Bright colors are what depresses me. They’re so empty. Black is poetic. How do you imagine a poet? In a bright yellow jacket? Probably not.” ~ Ann Demeulemeester

